Joshua Tiong

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The /tī/ Tuesday Tradition

Disclaimer: this post is written purely for fun (more of a rambling as a knowledge worker) rather than anything deep and thoughtful. 


Throughout the week, people will see me in quite the variety of working attire. This can range from the very comfortable hoodie, t-shirt, and jeans combo to the "are you going for an interview?" three piece suit and tie.

The reason I'm writing this post is that I've found it rather curious how, every single time I 'dress up' a wee bit, it has had the effect of raising many eyebrows. How (and why) is it that in this day and age, we are still paying so much attention to what people wear? Actually, scratch that, it's a silly question :P anyhow, the story for dressing up can be titled tī (phonetic notation) Tuesday, inspired as a simple play on the words Tie and Thai. Below is the brief story behind /tī/ Tuesday.

It's a habit I picked up while working with a great group of people whose company had transitioned from being a very formal work environment to more business casual. Of course, working in the technology groups, the dress code was more relaxed than other departments. As a result, the men didn't have any opportunities to wear the ties they'd bought over the years except for major celebrations. Thus started the ritual of wearing ties to work on Tuesdays and getting together to eat out for Thai food. 

I liked the idea of it so I've kept it up ever since. Will you join me in wearing a Tie on Tuesdays and grabbing some Thai food? :)