Joshua Tiong

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Extracurricular Resources for My Students

In my recent experience teaching a capstone course for SFU Beedie School of Business students in the Business Minor program, my students requested extracurricular resources they could explore to extend and deepen their knowledge around certain areas of interest. This list is tailored for the audience of final-year undergraduate students with different majors including communications, engineering, criminology, education, psychology, and more. This post is published for reference by my students now that the semester has concluded.

  1. Entrepreneurship

  2. Technology and Innovation

  3. Talent and Culture

  4. Leadership and Management

  5. Life and Career

  6. Organizational Development

  7. Sales and Negotiation

  8. Design Thinking


Technology and Innovation

Talent and Culture

Leadership and Management

Life and Career

Organizational Development

Sales and Negotiation

Design Thinking