Thanks For Your Help!

This post is about four months late.... but I felt that it was one of those 'better late than never' things :) 

Putting together a personal, public webspace for myself as a content platform has been something I've wanted to do for half a decade now. When I was initially putting this site together, I was met with a number of road bumps which I struggled with (procrastination and indecision certainly being among them). It is thanks to these friends that I was able to trudge forward and keep refining the site to the point where I was eventually satisfied with the product.

In alphabetical order: AK, BN, CT, IS, JH, JT, LD, LW, MT, MW, TC, TP, WY.

Thank you :) wouldn't have been the same without your support!


Photo by my partner. Another happy day in the life :)