
Venture Studio - Attempt 1

Venture Studio - Attempt 1

tl;dr: The Momenta Lab project started for the purpose of building a Venture Studio company. We underestimated the intensity of research to test our hypotheses. We were successful in coming up with a business model (strategic, financial, legal, operating) which the market has confidence in. We did not have the financial means and adequate clout which were requisite in the model. We were unsuccessful insofar as we did not launch the company. These findings and the model is something I intend to pursue one day.

Momenta Lab.

This is the name of a recent project of mine seeking to establish a Venture Studio. The objective was to create and operate profitable, right-sized technology products.

DEF CON 26 - My Thoughts and Reflections

DEF CON 26 - My Thoughts and Reflections

I was recently in Las Vegas for DEF CON, the world's largest Hacking Conference (Site, Wikipedia). For four days, 20,000+ nerds descended upon Vegas and put security professionals on edge. It was my first time participating in DEF CON, and it won't be my last.

Over the course of my week in Las Vegas, I caught up with old friends, met new people, learned about the Hacker world, was exposed to novel ideas, had fascinating and thoughtful discussions, lived it up Vegas-style, explored the famous city's culture, and ate too much unhealthy food (*cough* Typical West Coast).

I've been left with a lot to ponder since coming home from DEF CON…

Product Leadership quotes

Product Leadership quotes

Product development/management is tough as hell. Thankfully there is an amazing community of practitioners. The book, Product Leadership (website, Amazon), has so many nuggets of wisdom encoded in it. Check it out :)

Here are some quotes I found noteworthy and strive to commit to my DNA:

  • Great product people will ask questions about the product, the market, and the business. Not only this, they show an interest in all aspects of the team they work with, from unified vision to individual communication styles. Understand that producing great products can be difficult and frustrating, but still want to do the work.

  • Ultimately, the job of the product manager is to get results through other people.

  • What is common in high-performance teams is that…

Takeaways from Product Camp Vancouver 2018

Takeaways from Product Camp Vancouver 2018

This weekend, I attended Product Camp Vancouver 2018 alongside hundreds of Vancouver's tech community. I walked away from the event feeling inspired and connected. What a great event and wonderful community!

I attended the event without a clear understanding of what is typically in or out of scope for the Product Management (PM) line of work. My perspective is mostly heavily informed by my firsthand experiences on the delivery and growth sides for high-tech and professional services companies. I learned a bunch that helped connect some missing dots of concepts in my mind - very thankful for this.

Below are some of my takeaways, whether new or old ideas, which I am mulling over. These points are mostly from talks by Chloe Morrow (of Vision Critical), Cory Ayres (of Pendo), and Steven Forth (of Ibbaka), as well as with fellow participants...

Tips To Become An Excel Ninja

Tips To Become An Excel Ninja
To efficiently operate a computer, using only the keyboard.

This was a goal I pursued for the first few years in my early 20s, during my then-search for high levels of personal efficiency. During this earlier phase of my life, I often evaluated software based on whether they had hotkeys (i.e. keyboard shortcuts) available. Along the way, I learned some tricks for navigating the programs I used most often, including a local version of Microsoft Excel.

This post is to share some of the hotkeys I found helpful. As more come to mind, I will include them here :) feel free to bookmark this page if you find it helpful!

Digging Deeper

Digging Deeper

The reason I'm writing this post is to encourage you to dig deeper. Ask questions about absolutely everything. Take stock of and challenge existing assumptions/biases that have taken root in your lives. Deepen your understanding of the world around and inside of you. 

On good habits: disconnecting

On good habits: disconnecting

Imagine spending two weeks, starting tomorrow, living in a remote area with no electronic devices. Does this 'disconnected' scenario greatly appeal to you or does it freak you out more than you'd care to admit?

In our rapidly changing world where technological marvels are appearing one after another in quick succession, it's easy to get caught up in the rush of of it all. We are constantly connected to different devices so we can stay informed, keep in touch with people, and entertain ourselves. I admit to being a strong advocate for utilizing technology in innovative ways that integrate with and improve our lives.

The flip side, however...